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My beautiful baby robots
Can we please, oh lord, get an update to their optional racial traits, currently mechanations feel like humans, except....without the ability to instant kill you, and with less aptitude.

Quote:Revolver Raid cannon exists in quite possibly Jank of the year awards level gameplay. You can perform fist skills with it, it applies gun on hit skills, it cannot be used for gun skills, you cannot akimbo with it, you can use headshot with it and geldoren with it, you can heaven kick with it, but you cant serpent strike with it, but you cannot parting shot with it.

My suggestion....make it just a fist....A fist that scales on guile with the same stats it has right now, with the sub type shot gun, and the effect that it counts as a gun for gun skills the same way that the violet varon weapon line works.

Oh boy here's the next one
Quote:Chronicling Cabal Memory
"Mech Type Trait (only 1 can be selected). The special memory function of the cabal makes it more capable of memorizing spells than even master magicians. For each accessory equipment slot that you have empty, the Skill Pool cost of Spells is reduced by 0.5."

I cannot in the current iteration of the skill pool and even imagine ever needing this in any possible scenario. Maybe replace it with something that just flat out makes them better with spells or magic +0.5 willpower per spell equipped per accessory slot empty

now for standard....

Quote:It isn't as bad as cabal

Mech Type Trait (only 1 can be selected). Mechanations are typically known as sturdy and none embodies that as much as the standard model. While you have no torso item equipped, you are treated as having 10 Armor, 10 Magic Armor, and your maximum HP is increased by 50.

but there are much, much, much better armors than this in the game, and gigantic gene exists. My Idea to changing this...15 armor and 15 magic armor, 10% resistance to slash/blunt/pierce, enchanted with gigantic gene.

Finally.....the good one....

Quote:Agile accel, a skill 1m, move in a line, become airborne, take 45 fire damage over the next  3 leg slot for you

Make it not a line, also maybe also have it give stay afloat/Mercury enchant as a buff for 2 turns while its on CD.

These are just my ideas, but I think something needs to be done for the equality of our metal Gs6 locked boys.

Messages In This Thread
My beautiful baby robots - by Lolzytripd - 10-22-2022, 10:36 AM
RE: My beautiful baby robots - by Autumn - 10-22-2022, 10:55 AM
RE: My beautiful baby robots - by Lolzytripd - 10-22-2022, 11:09 AM

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