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Divine judgement is just winters bite
Divine Judgement is pretty hard to use right now, yeah.

It's not exactly Winter's Bite though. The whole DEF/RES to FAI thing is situational but good when it works. I don't know if it also negates immunity/absorb/reflect like WB does. It also lasts two rounds longer and doesn't have that new 8 round CD that WB has.

The 9m cost is the big issue here. mOmEnTuM eCoNoMy aside, it's an easy cost to not think too hard about in PvE but not so much in PvP. Because no one is going to stand there and let you put it on them; they're leaving your zip code area with that free turn they get.

There's only a few ways to guarantee landing it:

1. Chase them with Blink (that means you have to be using Mage or ST with Blink)
2. Pull them back via Seiryuu (that means you have to be using Summoner)
3. Immobilize them ahead of time and pray they don't have an alternative means of movement/cleansing
4. Rely on teammates, either to move them back in range or to distract them and pray they don't notice what you're casting
5. Pray they don't know what it does and they stand in range

You may notice two and a half of those five 'guarantees' involve praying. Apt, but I don't think that's the kind of praying Priests should be doing.

I think it's about time for a little change. Since map-wide targeting would synergize a little too well with Divine Shower for my tastes, I instead say lower the total momentum cost to 7 or 6, either through removing its status as an invoc, or making it a weird 3m invoc. This way, it's still more costly to use than Winter's Bite but retains the added benefits of extra range and duration while letting you... y'know, actually land it on someone.

Also this feels like it should be a Balance Fu thread.

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RE: Divine judgement is just winters bite - by The Alpha Bat - 08-12-2022, 12:59 PM

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