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Skullcat's random stuff
More stuff added to the google drive, and created a Weapons folder for it.

These are 8 different weapons, probably between one-star types and three-star types. I'll probably make more non-animated weapons in the future, since I just play a blacksmith character on Korvara. 

[Image: MU7rXrY.png]

Long-handle Axe
[Image: ycIqYod.png]

Scrap Shank
[Image: sIWs9AV.png]

Ransuer Spear
[Image: N07HYOk.png]

Scrap Scimitar
[Image: SoIsjkq.png]

[Image: YuJklxh.png]

[Image: qdf3Od5.png]

Woodlander's Axe
[Image: iS3JKuZ.png]
[Image: XDo90hy.png]

Messages In This Thread
Skullcat's random stuff - by Skullcatrons - 07-17-2022, 12:40 AM
RE: Skullcat's random stuff - by Skullcatrons - 07-19-2022, 08:51 PM
RE: Skullcat's random stuff - by Dezark - 07-19-2022, 09:10 PM
RE: Skullcat's random stuff - by Collector - 07-20-2022, 12:26 AM
RE: Skullcat's random stuff - by Skullcatrons - 08-04-2022, 08:19 PM
RE: Skullcat's random stuff - by Skullcatrons - 08-05-2022, 08:37 AM

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