I will say as the Ambassador who watched many events that had unfolded on Geladyne's side. Much of it being mostly my own opinion.
I will not go into heavy detail about the actions leading up to being overthrown ICly, but I will try to give some insight
What happened to the Premier ICly happened because of alot of reasons.
They disregarded the people they put in charge of various parts of their nation and their own Ambassador, even risking burning the bridges they were building with the other nations.
Paranoia against some of those people but failing to act appropiately in response to it, whether it be true or not.
Acting in an impulsive manner, Even taking a fucked up looc joke and making it IC.
Honestly I found the Coupe on the Premier to be one of the more interesting events and I wish it was actually handled better, But the player seemed uninterested in many of the options we presented to them OOCly, and it was honestly pretty fucking cool despite that (Esspecially with some GMs adding to the atmosphere)
But we had also given them many. many. many. MANY outs to my understanding
One example when things had hit the fan, They were given an opportunity to flee to the castle so that we may plan this conflict out better and not do it on impulse at 4 in the morning but refused. They opted against the idea of scheduling the conflict for later. And wanted to try to RP fight with the many people present. Even trying to use the lore they had written as an excuse to be able to stand against the tide - which was never meant to be allowed as a deus-ex-machina.
So the least messy option given our lack of conflict rules at the time was to just let it resort PvP
They then, to my understanding, were given the opportunity to flee despite being on the losing side of the fight that had happened simply because they OOCly hated the idea of having to stand in court to defend themselves.
Then we got reports of how they proceeded to murder, maim, etc. leading up to their capture.
I dont know if this happened before or after the coupe. But it was enough for many members of Geladyne to want to wash their hands of the Premier when they heard of it, and any potential shot at redemption or a comeback had effectively been thrown through the window.
On the OOC side of things, Do not get the wrong idea.
I dont hate the person who was selected for Premier. and I dont think anyone should.
It feels like they just kinda threw their hat into the ring and ended up getting picked, but didn't thoroughly read what they were signing up for-- Or ticked all the boxes and didn't get the one they actually wanted. The position had given them a great deal of stress, and I hope that with the shift in power, they can have abit more of a healthy enjoyment of the game as a normal player, to be honest.
Its worth noting that when everyone made their application to become a role within the lottery. They had fully accepted the fact that their character is not protected in the same manner as a normal player, assuming they actually read the guidelines. Things change in Korvara. Power shifts constantly. I cant account for what happened in Duyuei-- on account of not being there at all. But the coupe was not somthing we took lightly even knowing this information.
I will not go into heavy detail about the actions leading up to being overthrown ICly, but I will try to give some insight
What happened to the Premier ICly happened because of alot of reasons.
They disregarded the people they put in charge of various parts of their nation and their own Ambassador, even risking burning the bridges they were building with the other nations.
Paranoia against some of those people but failing to act appropiately in response to it, whether it be true or not.
Acting in an impulsive manner, Even taking a fucked up looc joke and making it IC.
Honestly I found the Coupe on the Premier to be one of the more interesting events and I wish it was actually handled better, But the player seemed uninterested in many of the options we presented to them OOCly, and it was honestly pretty fucking cool despite that (Esspecially with some GMs adding to the atmosphere)
But we had also given them many. many. many. MANY outs to my understanding
One example when things had hit the fan, They were given an opportunity to flee to the castle so that we may plan this conflict out better and not do it on impulse at 4 in the morning but refused. They opted against the idea of scheduling the conflict for later. And wanted to try to RP fight with the many people present. Even trying to use the lore they had written as an excuse to be able to stand against the tide - which was never meant to be allowed as a deus-ex-machina.
So the least messy option given our lack of conflict rules at the time was to just let it resort PvP
They then, to my understanding, were given the opportunity to flee despite being on the losing side of the fight that had happened simply because they OOCly hated the idea of having to stand in court to defend themselves.
Then we got reports of how they proceeded to murder, maim, etc. leading up to their capture.
I dont know if this happened before or after the coupe. But it was enough for many members of Geladyne to want to wash their hands of the Premier when they heard of it, and any potential shot at redemption or a comeback had effectively been thrown through the window.
On the OOC side of things, Do not get the wrong idea.
I dont hate the person who was selected for Premier. and I dont think anyone should.
It feels like they just kinda threw their hat into the ring and ended up getting picked, but didn't thoroughly read what they were signing up for-- Or ticked all the boxes and didn't get the one they actually wanted. The position had given them a great deal of stress, and I hope that with the shift in power, they can have abit more of a healthy enjoyment of the game as a normal player, to be honest.
Its worth noting that when everyone made their application to become a role within the lottery. They had fully accepted the fact that their character is not protected in the same manner as a normal player, assuming they actually read the guidelines. Things change in Korvara. Power shifts constantly. I cant account for what happened in Duyuei-- on account of not being there at all. But the coupe was not somthing we took lightly even knowing this information.