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[v.2.60c] Sigrogana has a Sudden Lack of Farmers
Farming on the Great Six is no longer possible.
With a hole dug with a shovel, trying to use a hoe on, beside, around, or in the general vicinity of, yields this message:

System: You'll need to use the hoe on a hole, or else it won't do you much good. If the hole is in sand or snow, it won't work, either. Furthermore, if you're too close to an NPC, you will feel uncomfortable being watched, so try and distance yourself from them.

This has been tried on many different tiles, both inside and outside player homes. This also makes the farming tutorial NPC's quest incompletable and its stamp unobtainable.

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[v.2.60c] Sigrogana has a Sudden Lack of Farmers - by The Alpha Bat - 07-06-2022, 05:23 PM

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