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(v2.60b) Monster Corpse and Server Lag
Monster Corpses should probably be deleted on hour tick. They don't really give anything important aside 'remains', which can immediately be harvested by people who want them, or left to become future lag by the ones who don't care.

It feels like the more the server is active and the more corpses are left behind from the intensive grinding people can do in dungeons, the laggier it becomes, and lag is a pretty critical problem with Korvara, due to no teleports nor world map conveniences, I feel.

For example, upon reboot, all the lag is gone, until people once again start spawning several corpses from fighting. So perhaps it'd be worth to make it so all monster corpses are gone once the hour tick goes by.

Or as Slydria suggested, every two hour ticks.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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(v2.60b) Monster Corpse and Server Lag - by Snake - 07-04-2022, 01:46 PM

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