02-11-2015, 03:03 PM
With the question on climates, I have to ask. Do any of the Six Great Lands, or more specifically the cultures inhabiting them, have holidays or 'celebrations' in regard to anything?
Have the Reapers which roam and guard Lazarus ever been seen around generally populated areas? Or do they try to stay away from most of civilization?
Are there any known specific similarities between Reapers and Zerans?
Edited: Since the new race Dullahans are now around, what is the general outlook or opinion on them by society? And are they seen as a curiosity in Karatens eyes due being a suit of armor literally driven to continue living by a soul possessing it?
Have the Reapers which roam and guard Lazarus ever been seen around generally populated areas? Or do they try to stay away from most of civilization?
Are there any known specific similarities between Reapers and Zerans?
Edited: Since the new race Dullahans are now around, what is the general outlook or opinion on them by society? And are they seen as a curiosity in Karatens eyes due being a suit of armor literally driven to continue living by a soul possessing it?
![[Image: PersonalNecessaryArmyworm-size_restricted.gif]](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PersonalNecessaryArmyworm-size_restricted.gif)
Dyrnwyn, ERUPT, and IGNITE!