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[2.54b] Dullahan Heavy Armor Bug
When testing a new build, there was something odd I spotted in regards to a Dullahan taking more damage than anticipated. The Dullahan passive regards it as always wearing Heavy Armor no matter what torso it's wearing is. In summary, after learning that Indomitable does not take effect for a Dullahan, I took to the live server and discovered the same thing applies there, as well.

Here are the debug logs I've pulled from the testing server, first. The torso the Dullahan is wearing is an Adversity Tunic:
[Image: unknown.png]
For the sake of damage calculations, it doesn't appear that the reduction from Indomitable shows, but is still calculated before every other damage reduction. For here, what should be 10% physical damage being reduced due to Dullahan always being considered wearing Heavy Armor doesn't seem to be calculated.

The physical defense% of the character was 21.6, so the reduc_multi ends at 78.4 at this stage since it's 100% damage - 21.6.
[Image: unknown.png]
Pictured above is with the same torso item, but mutated into heavy armor. The difference in the same location is clear, as Indomitable is calculated before everything else in this stage.
100 - 10% - 21.6% = 70.56 reduc_multi.

After seeing this in the test server, I got on my Dullahan character in the live server and swapped around his Mayelia (light armor) with his Haunted Armor (heavy). The numbers are a bit different, but following the same formula, you can see that the calculation with the Mayelia does NOT include the Indomitable damage reduction, whereas the Haunted Armor calc does. This includes a 3% reduction from the 97 REDUC, but is irrelevant to the report.
[Image: unknown.png]
100% - 44.1% - 3% = 54.223

Haunted Armor:
[Image: unknown.png]
100% - 10% - 45.81% - 3% = 47.3079

As of now I haven't tested any other armor type-based class effects, just the interaction with Indomitable, but is still worth testing.

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[2.54b] Dullahan Heavy Armor Bug - by Frozen - 02-26-2022, 11:47 AM

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