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Funky Dungeon generation 2.54b
There will be no screenshots, but for the past week I've encountered some bugged dungeons, those being:

Mirage Desert: First floor was the lever stage but surrounded by a long square of dense foliage, preventing me from going anywhere. I managed to get debris from one of the trees that spawned inside the stage.

I think there was also an ocean dungeon with the same dense foliage bug.

Spirit forest: First floor had me spawning in the top left of the map, inside a bunch of dense trees preventing me from moving or even leaving the dungeon.

A lv 69 forest with single orb pillars, no matter the combination the tree wouldn't react well. ( It was pure green, but I tried everything. ) According to some people in the OOC at the time it was bugged due to not being orb pairs or something like that, so I decided to post about it too just in case.

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Funky Dungeon generation 2.54b - by Reikou - 02-03-2022, 10:49 PM

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