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Changes to Glancing Secondary Effect Avoidance
This is something that's been touched on before from a balance standpoint. I agree that this secondary effect avoidance can get pretty OP at times despite evade not being as good as it was, but I'm wanting to talk about it from a mechanical and thematic standpoint in this post.

As it stands now, a glancing blow prevents secondary effects of pretty much ANY KIND. this includes many things that make absolutely zero sense being 'prevented' by an indirect hit. Some examples:

  • On hit/on crit buffs are not applied to the attacker on glancing hit, eg moonblade's hit buff, tarnada gaining charges, hundred reflection spear's buff copying. This makes more sense in some cases than others depending on the context, but usually makes no sense at all.
  • Charge weapon stacks are not consumed and the attack is not powered up by the appropriate weapons on glancing hit. This one is just ridiculous, like you somehow just retroactively decided not to fire a charged shot because it was an indirect hit. This effectively punishes the dodging character, essentially saving the attacker's charge weapon stacks until they land a direct hit.
  • On hit/on crit effects in general that primarily affect the attacker rather than the target, and would presumably be unaffected by an indirect blow. To my knowledge this includes the hayabusa set teleport, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that this also includes things like the substitute elemental attack weapon's status curing potentials and other things as well just because they deal any amount of damage that can be glanced.

I personally think that all 'secondary effects' should be split into two categories. Those that primarily effect the target and can be prevented by a glancing blow, aka most of them, and those that don't and don't really have any place being entirely prevented by an indirect hit.

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Changes to Glancing Secondary Effect Avoidance - by sadbot - 12-17-2021, 12:10 PM

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