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When is it okay, to ignore evade? (discussion)
Well yeah, I agree. though in team fights tanky boxers can still go faster, which means you can have both, the 14 M deletion and tankyness.
The shift in turnorder also happens with stun actually, which makes me lowkey think stun, if you are playing with it in mind with dullahans or self stunning via Rock/Wind or Ki Awoken is a buff actually rather than a debuff.
Though thats one of the downsides of the new turn order.

I still think a tag that works like a "Half autohit" would be really beneficial for some skills. Explosion could be that and even lose the CDs. (Half autohit meaning that only one of the two rolls is garunteed to hit)
Falconstrike and stuff would also be good candidates for that.

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RE: When is it okay, to ignore evade? (discussion) - by Shujin - 10-27-2021, 02:33 PM

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