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When is it okay, to ignore evade? (discussion)
pretty sure it needs 8 anyway to even be used, though the reason I think its too much is simply because it deletes up to 14 M worth if you happen to be faster and building SS is actually easy as fuck. Thats a stun on crack, which gives you alot of time to either start rebulding SS or recover. In team fights it deletes one player for up to two turns giving you a huge advantage. The question to me is, if it also really also needs that or if it needs to take an L somewhere else. Cause that skill is stupidly abuseable in a not fun way.

I can understand though the feeling of wanting this skill to be great as the classes ultimate skill. I too want it to be good. But I also want it to be funner and possibly have counters.

I also like to point out that this isn't really about Grandupper, just more about data collection for when skills feel fair with this specific tag so future implementations feel good and current ones that might feel overboard be adjusted.
And yes I hear you, the game has worse problems right now. But we literally have 80 pages worth of text about those already.

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RE: When is it okay, to ignore evade? (discussion) - by Shujin - 10-27-2021, 02:01 AM

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