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v2.51 Claret Call Bugs
1. Defeating an enemy that is not marked with Claret Call through Scarlet Twister will not apply Claret Call.
2. Bloody Palms makes your Claret last 2 rounds on the first physical hit you do, and only becomes 3 rounds if you apply Claret again. It is overwriting the normal duration with the shorter one on the first phys hit you do.
Neither of the above seem intended. Both were tested with Ghost main class (and a skill point invested in Claret Call.)
To replicate:
1. Defeat an enemy that you've not marked with Claret by using Scarlet Twister, they will not be Claret Called
2. Smack an enemy with a basic attack while wearing Bloody Palms one time, and notice how you have a shorter duration (2 rounds) on the Claret you inflict. It becomes 3 rounds if you hit them again though.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]

Messages In This Thread
v2.51 Claret Call Bugs - by Fern - 09-26-2021, 09:36 AM
RE: v2.51 Claret Call Bugs - by Neus - 10-13-2021, 02:45 PM

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