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Boxer Woes
I'm of the opinion that the biggest screw-up in the concept of geist is that the guessing part isn't so much guessing as it is a 'oh, they only do targeted skills? die.'

I think geist's current mechanic would be fine as-is, if the 'basic attack' geist triggered on more, while Zwei proc'd on actual 'autohits', for lack of a better word. With no skills that ignore geist, but with geist not completely eating AoE skills like it currently does. Just make it ONLY protect the boxer in question.

What do I mean by 'more'? I mean by making the basic-attack geist proc on anything that does a basic attack proc. Sidecut, warp strike, checkmate, EI, shit like that. Those shouldn't proc on Zwei or ignore. They should proc on Eins. This would even out the guessing game aspect of it a /lot/. Could also set a boxer's evade to 0 while they have the geist status, as a punishment for an incorrect guess.

If geist absolutely NEEDED a set of skills that ignored it entirely, just make it ONLY be things that ignore evasion normally.

On a tangentially related note, why do baseclass MA skills cost sturm? I see why they wouldn't /give/ sturm, but they also shouldn't reduce it.

EDIT: I should also add that I really just don't want a case of 'rework that completely screws a gimmick and replaces it with something with less than half its original utility'. One-damage-instance reductions aren't really worth the investment, especially in a fight larger than a 1v1. The momentum recovery from a successful geist is the only reason why geist sees any use.
[Image: unknown.png]

Messages In This Thread
Boxer Woes - by RedtailPinny - 09-09-2021, 10:55 PM
RE: Boxer Woes - by JamOfBoy - 09-10-2021, 02:48 AM
RE: Boxer Woes - by Mr.SmileGod - 09-10-2021, 01:44 PM
RE: Boxer Woes - by Kazzy - 09-11-2021, 12:53 AM

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