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Guile change 5000, now with new words.
I know why you are saying this, but mathematically speaking? This is actually just a buff to Guile, and makes guile weapons even better, does it not?

you'd still run aloooot better, I dare say even better than now, with guile weapons in this way. Your damage output is higher, you are just trading one damage source for another.
If you standarize Crit damage(which I do not mind personally), but you also ignore 30% DR from the target with a guile scaling weapon, the strength weapon is still sitting behind in serval areas (hit, damage cause strength needs to face full DR, skillslots). If a change to guile would happen then it can't just be damage in another flavour without conditions. Right now it atleast NEEDS to crit to even get that benefit, with your change, if I understood it correctly. It would just always be Guile/2 reduction of DR.

At that point being a tank will also be a nightmare.
I think thats against the spirit of your idea actually, since you try to even the playing field between strength weapons and guile weapons, right?

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RE: Guile change 5000, now with new words. - by Shujin - 08-26-2021, 05:52 PM

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