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Katanas in GR2
You're blowing this WAY out of proportion dude.
I'm able to clear most, if not all content in the game atm just fine with a finesse yukijin and still viable at pvp.
I was fine clearing out Black beasts with the Yukijin, Doing the mountain, Lorywell tomb, Even against level 60-70 barghests THAT RESIST ICE have given me little problem outside poison, Which i can cure. Finesse is fine and is viable.

The on hit elemental effect doesn't even work with kensei skills anyway, Unless you're basic attacking or using Wazabane.

Finesse is fine, Katanas have always been 100% scaling anyway.
Pre GR2, Fuuma was still 100% str
Raijin was 30str, 30ski, 40 luck, <This is why it was so meta, You could have basically 0 str and get more optimal stats.
I agree, Its a nerf to raijin overall, But it's not leagues better than every other katana now.
Yukijin was 60 str 40 skill(Which was better scaling for my build, since im 60 ski, 40 str pre and post GR2)
Even with ^^^^^^^ That nerf, 60>70str and 40>30 skill, My damage is still fine. Im still sitting at 120 swa.(123 to be exact)
What you're suggesting is basically "Undo the changes to weapon scaling and put them back to pre GR2"
Str was always one of the weakest stats and dev found a way to make it viable and mandatory for melee classes.
I dont want to see people running around with claymores while having 4 scaled str putting all their points into more optimal stats.

Let me give you some advice, Take a step back from your computer, Take a deep breath, Relax.
Now, Try to think of the bigger picture.
Yes, Its a big change, Yes alot of people are going to be unhappy with how precise they've mixmaxed a flawed system. Yes, Alot of things are probably still going to be changed. You probably won't like those either seeing how much you're overreacting.

Here's an idea, Go make your own thread in the suggestions tab about your idea.

I personally wouldn't mind a buff to katanas overall, But it's just not needed right now. Sogensara having 110% scaling would be nice, Because then it'd have something over Yukijins 10% ice resist.
Resist series katanas should remain with 10% resist and 100% scaling.
Elemental katanas that have 110% scaling shouldn't have resist on top.

GR2 is a change for the better, You need to give it time to pan out.

Messages In This Thread
Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 01:27 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Lolzytripd - 08-24-2021, 04:33 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 05:01 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Lolzytripd - 08-24-2021, 05:18 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 06:09 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Lolzytripd - 08-24-2021, 06:23 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 06:42 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Tanasinn - 08-24-2021, 07:07 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 07:12 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Autumn - 08-24-2021, 09:58 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 10:09 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Autumn - 08-24-2021, 10:27 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-24-2021, 11:10 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Autumn - 08-24-2021, 11:59 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Yashatari - 08-25-2021, 12:21 AM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Snake - 08-26-2021, 04:46 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Shujin - 08-26-2021, 05:38 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Poruku - 08-28-2021, 07:23 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Lolzytripd - 08-28-2021, 07:33 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Neus - 09-18-2021, 12:52 AM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Kazzy - 09-18-2021, 12:58 AM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Shujin - 09-18-2021, 04:43 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Snake - 09-19-2021, 04:53 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Lolzytripd - 09-19-2021, 08:05 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Kazzy - 09-20-2021, 04:46 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Lolzytripd - 09-20-2021, 06:20 PM
RE: Katanas in GR2 - by Kazzy - 09-21-2021, 01:52 AM

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