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[v2.48] Combat Dummy being dumb
The Bug: Combat Dummy not deploying when used in a camp.

The Process
1. Set up a camp.
2. Set up a campfire with the kit.
3. Via the 'U' hotkey, Inventory menu, or the Tool belt, use the Combat Dummy.

The Result:
A system message pops up, stating that you've used the Combat Dummy but it doesn't appear anywhere on the map and it is consumed.

I purchased a Soft and Hard Combat Dummy from the Militia NPC in the Tannis, thing. These deployed with no problem whatsoever! I'm under the impression this only seems to apply to the Combat Dummy one can craft with Level 2 Woodworking.

I hope this helps, please let me know if more details are needed. I only decided to make a forum post after trying to replicate the issue at least three times.

Messages In This Thread
[v2.48] Combat Dummy being dumb - by Ya Boy Cy - 08-02-2021, 05:44 PM
RE: [v2.48] Combat Dummy being dumb - by Neus - 08-29-2021, 02:55 PM

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