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Evasion and Hit suggestion
Sees evasion mechanic proposal as someone who pretty much only plays dodgies-   *BREATHES*

Jokes aside though, I'm going to keep this post pretty brief so I can go sleep at a reasonable time for once.

I think it could use a bit of adjustment I feel in the face of builds that can build both high defenses and evasion- aka doomwalls. It's no secret at this point that Summoners/Engis/RMs can get away with massive stat tomfoolery due to how they don't really need stats to operate, meaning full tank + dodge stats are possible. While that should be a separate balance issue that needs to be addressed another time, new mechanics that trigger off of evasion would be a dangerous tool to give doomwalls in the current state of the game.

The band-aid fix to this without gutting the core concepts of graze + sidestep (as I think they are interesting ways to buff evade against the large amounts of autohits that plague the current meta without really hurting basic hitters) is to make it so having high def/res makes these new bonuses weaker in some capacity. Whether that'd be decreased trigger chances, to decreased % effectiveness, to even straight up being disabled past a certain def/res threshold are possible solutions I feel. 

At the end of the day, evade builds in my eyes should be high risk/high reward in the sense that negating basics is much better than tanking the blow. In no means should it ever become better than stacking defense/resistance as a tank for survivability, but having *something* that isn't just "use RoP" to help make dodgies not instantly get blown up by autohits without making them any better against things like basic hitters is a step in the right direction I feel. While evade/hit in general still needs a tweak in regards to buff stacking, something like this levels the playing field just a bit for those like me who love the risky nature and gameplay of extreme dodgies who have the defenses of wet toliet paper without actively being cripplingly punished by autos for doing so.
[Image: Rabbit.PNG]

Messages In This Thread
Evasion and Hit suggestion - by Senna - 07-09-2021, 08:22 AM
RE: Evasion and Hit suggestion - by InsainArcaneBirdbrain - 07-09-2021, 10:10 AM

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