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Decided to try my hand at an outline for this too

Ballroom Blitz: move forward up to 3 tiles anyone you pass is considered danced with and moved back one tile.
WE need more skills that reposition others Dev its a cool idea and could have many uses. 

Unwavering Grace: Ballroom 
Unfaltering Steps: Tango
Definite Tempo:Waltz 
Im putting both these skills in one but they kinda work similarly  and I hope to explain my idea for how dancer would work with the gimmick i devised and yes this is much like DH stances.

The Dancer MUST change their dance every round (or rather each dances effects only last one round)  when you dance with a target (by moving near them pulling them with you or interacting in some way (im personally a fan of forced repositioning counting) you apply buffs or debuffs to your target as you lead them around the dance floor (battlemap)

Ballroom A n ice relaxing route with allies applies regeneration to them but for your enemies the swirling movements damages and confuses 

Tango The fierce and aggressive movements needed cause allies to gain SWA while The high speed rythem and strenuous movements causes foes to become clumsy

Waltz: Keeping pace with the dancer causes you to get the most out of every step +movement. While foes get walked all over -Movement.

Obviously there could be others and even potential for dance combos much like the kensei (maybe your buffs and debuffs stack the longer you dance for so eventually moving through an ally would inflict all 3 buffs at once.)

Rapid Gait. move up to 7 tiles in the direction your facing dancing with the person on the last tile. 

A tricky Skill not much else to say but there are a bunch of 1M skills that change your facing.

Whirl. target one tile in front of you and whirl them around you once before moving them three squares behind you anyone hit with the whirl is considered danced with.

This is a very short list that I hope will inspire people to attempt their own  

I also have idea's for a troubadour and a Siren (A Solider advancement and a mage advancement) heres a Preview of that just to fill some space and hopefully inspire others as well

Resonate (Siren) Dealing sonic damage leaves a mark on the target dealing protection ignoring sonic damage determined by level taking sonic damage increases resonances level 

This skill is essentially encouragement to pile damage on the same target or targets and as much as I hate it you might have to exclude guns from this skill for a barrage of sonic shells would make this work somewhat like claret.

One Person Warband (Troubadour) All sonic skills and spells gain  +Range and +Power Adding sonic damage onto basic attacks 

Yes this is essentially Katana Master I plan for Troubadour to focus on rallying effects or maybe banners using LB as a template for their AOES 

Feedback appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Dancer Class! FEELING MOTIVATED - by Kiranis - 07-06-2021, 07:42 PM
RE: Dancer Class! FEELING MOTIVATED - by Noxid - 07-06-2021, 08:00 PM
RE: Dancer Class! FEELING MOTIVATED - by Kiranis - 07-07-2021, 02:25 AM
RE: Dancer Class! FEELING MOTIVATED - by Kiranis - 07-19-2021, 01:18 AM

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