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A One use item that allows you to cast a spell like a mage can. 

Not exactly sure how it wold all work but giving players a battle item that casts a severely nerfed Fir or Rye on a one use battle slot item seems like a fun time. 

Just exact stuff to supplement a build one of my PVE characters has ZERO aoe so having something i little more proactive then a bomb would be wonderful. 

Actual Suggestions

Item Range and Effects possibly effected by Potentcy and Deliverance

Fir Scrolll:Line Aoe's but no cinder tiles scaling should be weaker or maybe just a flat amount of damage

Isendo Scroll Aoe Magnetize no base damage only the damage from magnetizing things 

Rye Scroll : Single Target that Chains to one other enemy (or potentially more if Soaked)

Kel Scroll Aoe Minimal Water Damage that soaks

Vyd Scroll Lingering Damages one target and spins them around

I think you get the idea

Messages In This Thread
Scrolls - by Kiranis - 05-10-2021, 09:18 AM
RE: Scrolls - by EenKogNeeto - 05-10-2021, 09:35 AM
RE: Scrolls - by Kiranis - 05-10-2021, 08:43 PM
RE: Scrolls - by Snake - 05-11-2021, 09:57 PM

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