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Build You A House! (The Current State of SL2's House Building)
Quote:I don't particularly mind if it still costs- the numbers coming down would be nice, for sure, but the main, main problem is having to go back and forth between asago and one's house every time you want to buy some furniture and place it down. It makes the whole thing feel like a fetch quest, because you can't always have a list of what furniture you need EXACTLY when you go- to do that much is just kind of a hassle for every single floor made. Back before the change, people would have an alchemy table on hand to place and craft from, so most of their furniture was accessible in the house while working on it, while still costing the same in resources.

This, a furniture catalogue that just grants remote access to the discer shop/furniture store would be a godsend for any builder.

It's a huge waste of time to have to run back and forth between an Asago bank and your own home, especially if your house is located somewhere far away from said bank. (IE: The back of Alstalsia or the bottom/top left of Chaturanga)

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RE: Build You A House! (The Current State of SL2's House Building) - by Miller - 01-06-2021, 04:57 PM

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