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Yes you read that right. 
I do NOT mean however the playable race. I do mean the thingies that you can create with Armor Possession. 
And while we are at it, lets also Buff the Flying Sword too.

Dullahan Currently:
-Vanish from Mercenary pool when they die. ALSO doesn't heal after each battle 
-Need a Armor/Blck Soul and a relatively (semi)rare item
-Is level of the creator (I think. Or always 55?)
-In Combat have all the Dullahan passives/Innates...Thats it.
- Might have a special effect depending on the armor you use? I couldn't really test that, but the swords do that so I assume.

They get no Skills no nothing. Their stats are meh and their level low for late game dungeoning.

Dullahan Suggestion:
-Level Equal to Creator+Rarity of armor*2 (aka level 80 max...90 would not hurt them either as thats basically what normal monsters can acheive roughly when you are lucky with a dungeon.)
-Either give them some stats, since all he can do is basic attack while his Hit and damage is low, or at the very least make him tanky. He is equally tanky to the sword. OR give him a couple of skills maybe some of the BK tree to make him a proper tank.
-If this isn't happening already, give them the Armor used as effect like the swords. (It happens already but resets level of armor)
-Also maybe not make him vanish when they die or atleast heal, cause jesus they are useless.

Animated Swords Currently:
-Vanishes when dead, does not heal after battle like other monsters.
-Need Sword/black Soul and a semi rare item.
-Same level as Dullahan
-Actually use the sword they are made of, which is kinda cool if you use one they scale with.
-Have all the Animated Sword passives BUT the one that was added later (The sacrifice to buff someone part)

Animated Sword Suggestion:
-Make them not vanish after death or at the very least heal after every, they are not strong enough to justify the amount of micro managing they need.
-Level Formula  Character Level+ Rarity *2 (Or 3 even to justify their vanishing part.)
-Give them that one skill the other swords have, that would make them fun or a good combo with dullahans as mercenary.
-if you want to keep them destructible, higher stats would be desireable. but I rather just not have micromanaging.
-Also if you already make them use THAT weapon, make upgrades and such count as well, they currently reset.

They are not worth the investment in the current form, but I would like them for style reasons. Its Just PvP, they won't suddenly be the top tier even with these changes.

Okay Dullahan armor actually uses the armor too, which is neat. Buut I assumealso reseting levels.

Might aswell just make them creator level *1.5 or Creator level +20 or 30.

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Buff DULLAHAN! - by Shujin - 12-12-2020, 09:38 PM

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