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Insulate again
Insulate is one of the most rarely used skills in the game, for good reason. It doesn't do all that much to help you and most of the effects are counter acted by itself.

Lets break it down.

-10 FP
-1 Ally with 3 tiles gains +30% Ice resist 
-3 rounds duration. 
-You won't trigger ice tiles by walking on them. 
-Cures/Immunity for Frostbite during the time.

Okay the first big issue is, that its only 3 rounds. Thats very little time to make use of it and a Winterbite as counter makes them always win the Momentum Trade off.
The second issue is how weak frostbite as an effect is to begin with and how little a MA cares for Ice tiles. Shukichi? Yeah ice tiles don't matter.  Getting pushed over a line of ice tiles? the absolute strongest frost bite effect is level 50 (60 with spirit), tied to an invocation, with how damage tiles work now its not all that scary at all. Most people have plenty of ways to get around ice tiles, teleports, attacking skills that second as mobility etc. So not even as a team action useful outside of ice resist which may or may not be helping. It doesn't help that ice point greaves is also already doing the ice sheet thing.
This makes it a very easily to miss skill, because Verglas is already very skillpoint/skill slot heavy class.

- 30FP (-5FP per rank, so basically the same as now +10)
- 1 ally within 3 Tiles
- Rank*10% Ice resist
- 3+Rank rounds (Or 3+Permafrost rank.)
- Won't trigger Ice sheets (I honestly think this one is weird already, Ice point greaves does that already, and is so much more useful)
- Cures and grant immunity to Celsius OR Frozen even. (up to Frozen level Rank*20?)

If Ice Point Guard is active: On being attacked deal Rank*5 Protection Ignoring Ice damage, double when guarding. OR gain 5*rank Magic and/or Physical armor.
If Ice Point Greaves is active: Ice Skate costs only 1M (refunds 2). OR while Standing on Ice tiles grants you +rank*5 Evasion reduction.

Bonuses are just some ideas, cause I feel it could need a little extra for Verglas, without making their normal damage output too silly or support the tank SWA style too much.
certainly Open to other ideas. Maybe having ice point guard active could just make it refund 2M? Making it a solid quick cast protector.

Messages In This Thread
Insulate again - by Shujin - 12-02-2020, 12:49 PM
RE: Insulate again - by Autumn - 12-02-2020, 07:53 PM
RE: Insulate again - by Shujin - 12-02-2020, 08:40 PM
RE: Insulate again - by sadbot - 12-02-2020, 09:21 PM
RE: Insulate again - by Shujin - 12-03-2020, 06:55 AM
RE: Insulate again - by Snake - 12-06-2020, 12:25 AM

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