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As someone that for the most part mains a mage, I also want them to feel less frustrating to play against because it makes it easier to play them without dealing with (justified) complaining. Your idea of silence immunity sounds interesting, maybe if it lasted 2 rounds rather than the current 1 round for KD immunity since silencing every other round is still more than enough to put a mage out of commission imo.

At first I was against silence targeting invocations specifically, but the more I think about it the more the idea grows on me. It should probably shut down custom tome spells too as another means of balancing those perhaps. The only reason for the idea in my OP is, while an RNG chance of your spell fizzling might feel kind of cheesy, I think it's a better alternative than being locked out completely, and there's current precedence set for it in the form of hesitation, even if that only applies to basic attacks. But then again, hesitation itself could probably use a rework into some other functionality so maybe I was wrong to draw inspiration from there.

Lastly on the topic of basic attackers, they do tend to deal with mages handily yeah. I find with that match up as a mage there's too much pressure from the basic attacker's damage and usual momentum efficiency that it's hard to really get rolling with your mage shenanigans. But buffs for basic attackers are another topic entirely, even if needed.

Messages In This Thread
Silence - by Perdition - 11-22-2020, 05:20 PM
RE: Silence - by Autumn - 11-22-2020, 09:26 PM
RE: Silence - by Perdition - 11-22-2020, 11:09 PM

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