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Rotwood Kits
A good bunch of the Hexer spells are not compatible with Rotwood, actually, since it only works with Huggessoan domain spells. I'm not saying it's entirely useless for Hexer, but taking a peek at the amount of Huggessoan domain spells that'd work with Rotwood would quickly show that it isn't all that useful to Hexer compared to a tome, since the biggest ones (Wretched Oil and Black Bubble) are Isesip and Aquarian, and the utility invokes in general don't need a casting tool.

The one thing that benefits from Rotwood the most is Void Assasin and even then if you're going void mage it's usually better to run a tome for +5 Skill Slots since VA is pretty hungry for slots.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]

Messages In This Thread
Rotwood Kits - by Autumn - 08-31-2020, 04:11 AM
RE: Rotwood Kits - by Senna - 09-05-2020, 09:03 PM
RE: Rotwood Kits - by noblekame - 09-06-2020, 01:16 AM
RE: Rotwood Kits - by Fern - 09-06-2020, 03:03 AM
RE: Rotwood Kits - by Miller - 09-06-2020, 04:54 AM
RE: Rotwood Kits - by Autumn - 09-06-2020, 05:58 AM
RE: Rotwood Kits - by Perdition - 09-06-2020, 02:53 PM

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