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Ulrenreka Series
I've gotten use out of the Light Tome, Sound Sword, Earth Rifle, Dark Spear and Wind Axe a metric fuckton.

Tarnell has a super solid potential that may keep you in place but can get you severe damage if you build right for it. Admittedly, said builds are super limited at times or restricted to certain races but you know.

Farren has allowed me to counter priests without remotely having to build to be one myself. No potential needed.

Larveget just allowed me to SAN Check nerds rather accurately most of the time. Which information is tastily crucial in a fight at times. I've had it item belted for that exact purpose. Beyond that, I think the only time i've gotten use out of it was when I hit someone who's more SAN powered than me and using a (insert relevant stat here) dynamic tome with full sound seeds.

Ramarg is my child. The ability to make nerds Airborne easily and so freely? Don't mind if I do. AoE too. Feels good. I used it in tandem with my Sky Mantis Scythe build at one point alongside on a few Corbies that are ook ook. Although damage left a lot to be desired if I couldn't crit. A severe lot. But I think that's more due to me using two weapons instead of 2H with one weapon. I just can't justify 2H Ramarg if not using DH Matador Spam from what i've gathered. It's got good scaling but there's just such better stuff to be using, and the potential doesn't mean much. The literal only time i've remotely valued 2H Ramarg was when I was in a team fight and hit a Titan Gale Spec'd Tactician and I was a Ghost/ST so I could just Titan Gale and yeet free SWA on my own without remotely building Wind ATK.

Such a niche scenario. Elenoa was mostly since I could abuse Enma's Harder while running another Lumi'd Element. Nothing to build around but an easy to obtain consistent bonus with how many people are running RES for that sick Magic DR.

The rest, no idea. I've gotten some mileage out of the Fire Fist but nothing worth talking about.
Ice Knife is bad since you have to build a stat that is essentially required to hit with, that also happens to buff your god damn Ice ATK. Haha...
Lightning Bow, no experience with outside of sheer IC Usage. But likely the same issue as the Ice Knife.

Ulrenreka. Sorry, I build VIT and thus have no need for the Water ATK that is likely only 1-4 points off from mine. zzz For a FOOT SLOT NO LESS? Yikes.

All in all, to the main meat of things. I'd rather it not swap your own elemental attack. Then you'd just build lack of stat and give it to enemy. Making them oppressive elemental attack negaters.

Cutting Elemental Attack in half is only fine if it's a potential skill with a cooldown. The Light Tome mentions it can suck the light out of things, so like. That seems fitting. Can't say if I can justify the rest.

Ulrenreka maybe too. That's the worst offender here.

But Tarnell is most definitely the best out of the group.

Messages In This Thread
Ulrenreka Series - by Maksimum_Fire - 08-31-2020, 04:09 PM
RE: Ulrenreka Series - by HexGirlBestGirl - 08-31-2020, 04:39 PM
RE: Ulrenreka Series - by Maksimum_Fire - 08-31-2020, 04:59 PM
RE: Ulrenreka Series - by HexGirlBestGirl - 08-31-2020, 05:07 PM
RE: Ulrenreka Series - by EenKogNeeto - 09-01-2020, 06:34 PM
RE: Ulrenreka Series - by FatherCrixius - 09-02-2020, 08:16 AM
RE: Ulrenreka Series - by Maksimum_Fire - 09-02-2020, 08:36 AM

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