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where's my HAND(chapter 2)
I'm not arguing that it's intentional or not, eenkogneeto. I'm suggesting it sucks.

It also most certainly would change something. Multiple handguns are restricted to two or three shots maximum, and when parting shot is Spirited, you move 4 tiles. There's a large number of handguns that are unable, currently, to fire for every step of parting shot- especially if you don't use Extended Grip.

Also, negative damage? I think you don't understand guns. Akimbo shots are always the weapon's exact power stat, not SWA based, so any damage done by a singleshot akimbo hit(BoNR only as of now) would be the same damage you'd see coming from it in a regular volley.

And, what's most important here- Akimbo has never been about pure damage, it's about the extra crit proc. That small change is enough to make Parting Shot a regular part of the Akimbo Gunner's arsenal, instead of being 'the tool you bring out when you have to fight a geist user'.

Messages In This Thread
where's my HAND(chapter 2) - by Maksimum_Fire - 08-25-2020, 04:54 AM
RE: where's my HAND(chapter 2) - by EenKogNeeto - 08-28-2020, 10:19 PM
RE: where's my HAND(chapter 2) - by Maksimum_Fire - 08-30-2020, 07:44 PM
RE: where's my HAND(chapter 2) - by FatherCrixius - 08-31-2020, 02:13 AM

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