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Spent (Charm)
(08-28-2020, 11:32 PM)Mr.SmileGod Wrote: Charm already doesn't seem mandatory, really. People use it, but I don't see it used in every fight. If it were really a problem, again, scaling changes would do the trick? But as it is, given that the sources are limited, it is removed via damage, etc? I really don't feel like any of what you're suggesting is strictly necessary. Not only that, but in an attempt to strike at high charm values, you'd be damaging already low ones. Ones like the enchant that nobody uses as-is, with what... 15% charm? Or the charm-on-crit tome?

I just don't think it's necessary, honestly.
Charm isn't mandatory, Having a stone heart is for being able to deal damage. Also read the posts cause I've covered all of this already and (both of) you don't seem to have read anything before posting. Nerfing the upper level would enable lower levels to be looked at. As is though, most sources of charm aside from Blow Kiss are infinite and could use looking at, just because I'm the only person using them doesn't mean they are balanced.
(08-29-2020, 02:24 AM)Spoops Wrote: Current methods of applying charm have some seriously build-altering taxes placed upon them so you don't see them terribly commonly, if its an issue with larger leveled charms like Blow Kiss, then isn't that an issue with Blow Kiss and not with charm?

There are as well, methods of getting rid of charm via cleanses or class skills offered from BK or MG, as well as an entire race to counter it. Not even mentioning the item given how much it already has been addressed.
Most sources of charm aside from Blow Kiss are infinite or passive and could use looking at, just because I'm the only person using them doesn't mean they are balanced. Theres nothing build altering about it, Unless you consider putting 10 points in guile to unlock the single best defensive thing in the game as build destroying. The issue is with any repeatable charm, which is every charm in the game aside from sweet leaf. Read the posts. I don't want to repeat the same thing about BK and MG and Shaitans for the tenth time. Balance should not be done based on everyone being the same race. It's aggregating how people just keep repeating this same thing. 'Just play shaitan lol' What if my character isn't a shaitan? 

Im pretty sure I covered this in an earlier post but I'll cover it again for the second page, I did this build /before/ blow kiss and it was still just as strong using Wink for a perma 30% reduction to enemy damage. Not as godlike, but still very hard to play against.

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