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Spent (Charm)
(08-24-2020, 03:58 PM)HexGirlBestGirl Wrote: >>Personally, if someone wants to wear a Heart of Stone to prevent such a potential risk, then that's the same as for kitting for something else a slight bit niche. If someone wants to build for charm, it's my fault for not building status resistance, bringing some form of extra ways to combat it or really, anything to counter it as a whole.

The alternative option, provided you aren't one of the two classes with charm clears, is to lose two to three rounds worth of damage every four rounds. And even then if you prevent it you must pay the tax of an entire accessory slot because someone /might/ use a trait point on blow kiss.

Saying 'Just build status resist' is false, as I said in my post its easy to get 160-220% Inflict on it because of the unarmored part for Blow Kiss, and in general its more likely they'll have inflict than you'll have resist. Can't afford 30 points of faith on every build. Though yes a lot of people neglect status res, this aint the solution.

>>make your fancy build you have in mind work with a Shaitan
>>play Magic Gunner,
>>commonly accessible through items or otherwise (doubly so if it's a Foot or Accessory Slot) should just y'know.Use them or risk getting fucked by such things.
>>You use a Heart of Stone. Even I use one. I rarely run into Charmers but when I do? People realize it does nothing since they act as if the item itself doesn't exist.

Not everyone wants to sacrifice their viability in serious PVP for immunity to three admittedly annoying statuses, and that' speaking purely mechanically. Roleplay wise there's definitely not much enjoyment to be had from every charcter needing to be a shaitan.

The characters I want to roleplay are by and large not going to carry a gun around just so they can avoid getting winked at.

Creating a tax of a accessory slot on every single character is not a way to balance something. Just like how 'Just use cleanse potion' Is not a valid response. Balance should be done based on no equipment, preventatives should be optional not mandatory

>>all i'm seeing is "this sounds really powerful, and charm as a whole fucks people over, so let's weaken it a bit." >

Doesn't just sound, I run it in the arena and have only lost once to a summoner and even that was just because I wasn't going to lunar lunatism IC for that.
You can effectively pick anyone and go 'You can't hurt me for two turns' Then do whatever you want, be it meditate, heal, charge mind and HSDW, so on.

(08-24-2020, 10:10 PM)Spoops Wrote: Idk why a year+ old thread is being bumped but I don't find charm to be an issue as long as damage ticks it down, since blow kiss has a cooldown. And Heart of Stone currently exists to help against it if people really are abusing it on certain characters.

It just gives less value to Heart of Stone to nerf it even.

Its almost like I specifically said in my post that it had been a year with no changes and that all the complaints, which I reiterated again just for clarity, were still valid and even worse than they were originally or something. Obviously I should have made a new thread with the same content right?

Damage lowers its duration yes, but taking two hundred damage while only being able to deal thirty is a bit painful. In all my uses of it I've never done less than three hundred damage before it wore off, and never taken more than 100 during its duration.
Expecting everyone to know and then metagame that X is going to use charm is a bit absurd and not a healthy idea to plan for.

Heart of stone will always be useful, It disables all charm mechanics entirely without revealing that they are disabled to your enemy. It lets you fake the charm so they are lulled into a false sense of security, only to do full damage to them despite the floating hearts. Or to ignore them getting shto in the head when they try to hide behind you. Nerfing charms in long battles won't make it worthless by any means, especially if the charm resistance wears off later in the fight or something. The idea is to make it not mandatory.

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