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Feedback and Suggested Changes to Initiative
Kameron8 post_id=39909 time=1590805413 user_id=215 Wrote:Because Tal Zarok's initiative wouldn't be restored at any point after Skipping, he would now just go last unless someone else used Skip. Could you explain where the double turn happens, or what part of Skip's interaction on Initiative I'm misunderstanding?

What happens when two members of the same team skip? What happens when a team that has 3 members VS a team of 2 members has multiple members skip? The way the suggestion is framed it means that now those members are permanently at the bottom of the list and going one after another.

The suggestion in general doesn't really feel realistic because it doesn't account for a lot of factors like the above, and in some cases goes against the reason the change was made in the first place. Not only would this be a nightmare to program, I also don't feel like it would lead to anything positive. Skip is already something I debate removing frequently because of how much it has been abused in the past - readding another gamey abuse case is not something I would like to do. The 'youkai going all at the same time as the summoner' also feels like just a preference - I could easily see, if it were changed, someone making a complaint that it's not fair that a Summoner can take X turns in a row when they have party members waiting.

I would also argue that, even if the Summoner is at risk of being targeted by the same unit before their next turn if they summon a Youkai faster than themselves, one of three things;

1) You can make a build with higher CEL so that it doesn't happen.
2) Your Youkai is still acting before the opponent, meaning they can take action that will help protect or disrupt the opponent (for example, Ascended Seiryuu pulling them away with Hunter Wind,.
3) You can still utilize On My Mark to move before them regardless of your CEL.

Beyond that, Summoner is one of those classes where they are very vulnerable before setting up.

The only thing I can kind of agree with are two things;

1) It might be better that the disadvantaged Die Hard character is treated as having 0 initiative the turn they get up so that fast Die Hards do not push their healthier team members who can help them down the turn list.
2) It might be better for summoned units, or at least Youkai, to be treated as having 0 initiative, so that faster ones do not push down the generally more dangerous player characters in the event of uneven teams (which Summoners can cause quite easily).

#2 I am a little shakey on because it could be bad QoL for Summoners.

In any event, the only thing I'm really willing to adjust is the initiative values for certain cases. I do not really want to make the new turn system more confusing with odd exceptions and 'hard' locking the initiative list leading to people asking 'Why am I last? I only skipped last turn, not this turn.' and 'Why did this team just beat one of our members and move again instead of our team getting a turn?'.

Not that I am trying to dismiss anyones' feedback on the changes, I am simply stating that I have a difference of opinion on a few things.

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