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Initial Thoughts about Runemage balance
As it stands, a Razor Rune set up can delete a whole group of Level 60s even if they are geared towards tanking whiiiiich is admittedly a tad disheartening to see whenever it happens.

@Razor Rune: I think making it use SWA and not ignore armor is also an option, if nothing else works.

@Anchor Rune: Immobilize currently being a spammable status is the problem rather than the rune itself, yeeeeah.

I won't lie, the beyblade of death turned out to be pretty painful in practice after people got the gist of it. Way too painful, so it'd be appreciated if at least that one didn't immediately slaughter anyone while still being an appealing choice.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]

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