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Player Count for Player Properties
I mean on a practical level it could help you find out if people are trying to steal things in your house. The human mind while amazing as it is. Sometimes you just forget to lock crates and extra storage containers in your place (It happens to everyone at least once.). And logging in and looking over in your house population or house occupant number or whatever dev would call it to see someone in your private home would help curb such things from happening on a oocly level at least. And making it toggeable would ruin that because we've all done a thing in this game to make us forget something important where the game is concerned. Like pray before a battle or turn on music on a fun-o-gram or something else silly along and above those lines.

If you've advertised something or used someone icly popular to get people out to come and see you then that's great and if you didn't or couldn't do anything to pique their interest than advertising isn't the issue. You knowing where some or half or maybe all of these people are currently hanging out is not gonna help you or them. And it's not gonna make things harder for either party involved either.

It's convenient info at best and miscellaneous at the worst. Rp is not gonna get ruined because before you've steeped into the door you know there's 25 people at the Cantina. Or you know the Hospital have 5 patients and 3 docs working on them all or the entire server is at a Auggie event. So this isn't a lazy thing or you having to work harder or you putting yourself out there. It's not an open invitation to a private rp. It's just an indicator to how many people are in one house at a time and it being toggable would ruin the whole point of the indicator in the first place.

I'm for the idea. I just think making it possible to see how many people are in a home at a given time a toggable feature is something that runs contradictory to the point of the feature in the first place.

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