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Familiar Familiars
So! I talked with a few people while on the server in the OOC chat, and I made a suggestion which everyone seemed to like. I wasn't sure whether to post this in here or in Balance Fu, so I decided to place it here since it's kind of a change to mechanics and just a nice touch for the concept of Familiars in general, in my opinion.

Whether Dev has something in mind similar to this, I'm not sure, and I know the update was fairly recent but here's my suggestion!

I think it'd be a good addition to have Familiars innately have an effect similar to Sentimentality - that is, gaining stronger effects the longer you have it equipped, the more battles, etc.

Not only do I believe that this would be a good outlet for any balancing concerns that *are* had in regards to the items, but it will be a nice touch from even an IC perspective, given a lot of the new familiars are companions of sorts. Thusly, the more battles you have them equipped for, they'll gain Familiarity, or something like how Sentimentality stacks, though in this case effecting the items primary effects itself; say, 1% per battle. For every battle you do not have them equipped, instead of overwriting the effect, perhaps they just lose a large number like 5% or 10%.

To use an example, the Raincloud provides a 20 reduction to burn level upon use. At 100 Familiarity, that number could be doubled, or however balance sees fit - so instead of only reducing 20 burn, it would reduce 40 burn levels, and perhaps have an additional effect for being maxed out.

Anyway, that's all my idea really is. tl;dr Familiar's get better when you have them around and grow distant from you when you don't.

Discussion is good! I hope I got this across properly; you can put the numbers aside for now, really, but I think this would be a good addition to Familiars.

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