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Blazing Cyclone Spam
Part of the feeling of Cyclone Spear nowadays seems to be that fat AoE that you can put out to support your team and deal some damage, combined with setting down cinder tiles with blazing. I think that's very powerful, but like Fern said, I don't think gutting it is the right way to go. I like seeing spears in play nowadays rather than just three versions of sword builds wandering around.

Miller had a great development suggestion on the airborne part. I think making foes go airborne is a great treatment for Blazing CS to avoid cinder damage getting overwhelming, but more than that I like that firebird would get a way to make enemies go airborne. If it seems too overwhelming, especially in handling teams with a combo like CS>Typhur, it might be better to run with no pull on blazing or a shorter cinder radius, and airborne in the center.

I really DON'T want to see a cooldown applied to this skill, to be honest, ESPECIALLY if any of these nerfs come into play. I feel like it'll lose a ton of value like that and leave Firebirds relying on other classes to make their special tiles for ignite power, instead of being capable on their own of using their kit.

Rolling back to what Fern said, I can also agree with reducing the actual deploy range of the AoE to prevent it from being an all-field snipe tool.

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