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[2.13b] Kagekiri and Positional Requirements
Kagekiri will always be able to trigger position-based defensive abilities, such as Eviter, regardless of which direction anyone is facing.

For example, using Kagekiri through someone's back and ending at their front can be blocked with Eviter. Using Kagekiri through their side and ending at the other side can be blocked with Eviter. And lastly, using Kagekiri through their front and ending behind them can be blocked with Eviter.

This is not the case with Sidecut, which will correctly strike the enemy from the direction you are moving through. This means that Sidecutting from behind someone, through their back, and ending in front of them, will never trigger Eviter or Cobra.

I know this is an issue with most abilities that both move the character and deal damage (Flame Jetwing, Swooping Stroke), but I don't have any test data for those instances. Ideally, it would be nice for these to behave as Sidecut currently does.

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