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Dullahans no weakness?
As someone who plays Dullahans, my opinion lies in that yes they are very oppressive and need some tinkering. It's a little overbearing to deal with all the perks that come with their racials combined with a nasty setup. Crit damage mod., poison immune, interference immunity... They don't really have any weakness as FP sustain can now be maintained quite efficiently with items and classes and things like strangling etacof can be shaken off with a tome/req. Losing out on potions, armor types, FP to make every action, and -1 move is a small price to pay for the kind of meta you can build with them. I suggest removing their interference immunity or nerfing it. Lore wise holy weakness does make sense so I agree there as well. They already have so much going for them they don't need to further crack the boundaries.

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