11-05-2019, 09:32 AM
MakeshiftWalrus post_id=37961 time=1570984672 user_id=56 Wrote:While I agree with Mewni and Apple that the Vampire race doesn't need any major overhaul, it's by far not as powerful as they make it out to be, for two huge reasons:
The healing penalty will utterly cripple you in a team-fight, which, almost all important fights are going to be. Even regardless of the healing penalty, their strongest suit, which is one-on-ones can be determined just as easily by someone slapping on a holy weapon. Much more so if they're packing potions, or other forms of sustain.
I don't think these weaknesses warrants a major change to the race, because it isn't the worst race, but I do think it warrants for a couple of exceptions in terms of sustain. Things that would make sense for a Vampire to have, despite their race.
I made a previous post here about one such exception, but I'll be going over a couple here as well:
The post is specifically about Rebound, but I agree with Chaos and GSM in it, who mentions they should receive full healing from sources not pertaining to Mercana, or other light-based sources.
Things like:
-First Aid
-Black Elixir
-Stability (The trait)
-Avalon (The enchant)(Although this one I could see as a little iffy)
I might have missed a couple along the way, but you get the gist.
Like Irene said, Vampires are outdated, so I think a change to these skills would serve to bring them back to consideration for serious RP-PvP.
Bump and also yes to this. Collectively this has been mentioned probably a thousand times because it's that much of an annoying issue for vampire players but yes these skills should not be affected by vampire's healing penalty whatsoever. It doesn't really make sense lore wise to begin with for some of these such as ingrain for example, a skill that's derived from a vampiric youkai. Stability doesn't make sense either because it is coming from the vampires own body, not another source. All in all it really would not hurt the balance of races by taking these skills, traits, and enchant into consideration. While they are not the weakest of races, they certainly are not at the top or even close to it. As everyone mentioned above sustain is one of the biggest deciding factors in a match and they are rather highly lackluster in that department except for very few options which starts to become repetitive in everyone's builds (fellgrant, life drain, silvermists). Considering what every other race can do and how much has changed over the years it really is a relic of the past which came into play because vampires were overbearing at one point but not for these reasons and should be edited so they're not running 3 laps behind everyone else.