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Big Meaty Claws 2, Electric Boogaloo
Well, I still do support. I don't want anyone to believe otherwise. In PvP this is certainly busted. Ignoring someone's armor, class damage reductions and stat investments while doing more than one 'hp bar' and 'half' (140 Pierce Damage, often), AND immobilizing on top of it? Crude and unbalanced. Surprised it managed to last this long without more people whining about it.

And worse. Last nerf thread didn't nerf it at all, compared to a non-Painful Grip grapple user. The addition of a cooldown made it only slightly less spammable for Shaitans, and Grapple to become a worthless gamble for normal people with Restrain talent.

It also made playing Grapple Nagas very boring and imbalanced (on the poor way of it, the cooldown affecting them the worst).

But, that above is PvP talk. Warranted, honestly.

Though, I like how it works in PvE, is all. Kinda cool to have a reliable source of 'middle finger' at enemies who can out-tank you. Though I'm slowly growing mellow over the change affecting it. Kinda sucks having good things for one thing going away because it's busted in another.

I certainly don't like it, and feel Grandpa now when his gimmick was erased from existence.

RIP Dark Bard.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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