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Dullahans no weakness?
Its a thing I noticed ages ago, many believed it was the case but it isn't...

Can they get a weakness to Holy? They are possessed Armor, and one of the strongest races we have with one of the strongest Rush strategies possible (cause of their high momentum). Or at the very least give them a Weakness to it when they go into their berserk state amd/or Soul Burned, so there is a counter window..

Its just strange to me why they do not actually count as possessed, they quickly overshadow Vampires in strength and their only penalty is basically not being able to drink potions to heal and a stun that can be used in your own favour, though other healing stuff works just fine. Not to mention that they get a passive "tank" skill in the form of reduced critical damage, poison immunity and are the only race that can shrug off Interference for the most part.

Long story short, their advantages heavily outweight their disadvantages and it seems logical to me from an IC standpoint that an holy weapon, which works against possessed, works against them.

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