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Skiddadle Skeddoodle, you're a Tornoodle.
There's nothing left to add to this that hasn't been said over and over again. The weapon has better-than-the-rest base stats to go with good scaling, and has an effect that trumps most others in raw efficiency and damage. The nerf stops people from high-rolling with the effect, but instead gives them the foresight to plan for their procs. It's still the best sword to use 99% of the time, and neither adding changes to Black Knight to mitigate On-Critical effects nor allowing Steal/Null to strip the status do anything to address the underlying issues with its power in relation to other swords and weapons.

If that much power is afforded to items that are ten stars, the rest of the weapons in the game certainly do not reflect it. It's hardly knee-jerk reactions, it's just trivial comparisons of numbers.

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