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I'm honestly with Mewni on this one. While there's a singular ghost build that wins consistently with very little chance for counter-play due to a combination of high movement to avoid any potential threat, massive damage, knockdown, and sustainability...

Massive damage and sustainability are two things that ghosts are supposed to be able to do.

There's a lot of knee jerk reactions on this game that take a class from entirely playable to awful in a moment. And changes are so seldom made that they often have to be big. There's no weekly tweak or patch, and so a scorched earth approach is often taken.

I've seen a good number of ghost builds not work. Relying solely on the tools mentioned here, they fail and flop. There's a singular ghost build that consistently gets results despite any RNG available in its build, despite any wasted momentum from knockdown or other distractions, etc. And I feel like people have a bone to pick with that build and how often it's being used. And these balancing points don't effect that at all.

I would say instead of nerfing ghost we should look at buffing other classes to be even half as fun to play, but the last time we tried to buff a class it ended up in a substantial nerf instead with the knee jerk back against it.

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