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Ready To Hide Behind (v2.08b)
As of the most recent hotfix, Scapegoat Shield successfully applies Ready To Hide Behind when used (even on the Metalaegis itself, even though it'd be useless due to the wording).

After several tests, the status does not block the damage of magical autohits used (Fir, Isendo, Wretched Oil, War Cry) , physical autohits (Rising Tide, Chaser, Roundtrip) damage over time statuses (Poison), and mapwide damage (Star Shooter).

And for clarification the Metalaegis was always in 1 Range of its owner, the victim who had Ready To Hide Behind.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Drop a Metalaegis in 1 range of yourself.
2. Wait until the Metalaegis' turn to cast Scapegoat Shield on yourself. You should have the status at this point.
3. Take any damage. Nothing will be redirected to the Metalaegis other than what Protect affects (basic attacks).

So from what I've tested I'm fairly positive that Ready To Hide Behind isn't working properly, as no damage is being redirected to the Metalaegis under the circumstances that'd dictate it should.

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