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Skipping the fat
I'll try to convey what I mean as much as I can, when you use an Until Next turn effect like Painproof, knockdown immunity or Geist Schritt, a player who is specifically faster than you are can use skip to force you into a less than favorable position. Where your until next turn effects will expire no matter what you do, whether you counter skip or not you will lose those statuses regardless and enabling the other player to in essence ignore those skills completely.

Or in the case of knockdown immunity, it allows someone to knock you down two times in a row.

So say you use Painproof to gain the DR% From it to mitigate an oncoming attack, but the player who is attacking you skips first, putting you in an unfavorable position, then if you counter skip or take your turn you'll lose that painproof status, what I'm trying to accomplish here is making it so that using skip back would not get rid of those statuses.

I almost fear having them get removed at the round instead could go wrong almost, well unless you mean if specifically the enemy uses skip, then that could be fine.

Almost like setting a clause to have those statuses only go away when you end turn specifically. Such as through end turn or hitting 0m, if that makes any sense.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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