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[Cellsvich] Mercalan Faith Assembly
A courier from the Church once again goes around promoting another service hosted in the Cellsvich Chapel....

Salutations to all citizens and transient adventurers of Sigrogana,

There will be an official assembly of the Mercalan Faith this [Saturday, August 10th, at 4 PM EST] at the Cellsvich Chapel! This is an open invitation to all, and it is not exclusive to those of the faith. This will be a general worship session for Mercala. Any questions from curious souls who wish to learn more about Mercala not through prayer must save their questions until the end of the service.

Only Miss Hikari Warsett will be able to take donations during the sermon! I will not be taking any alms myself, for it is not my duty.

May Her Graciousness ever guide you with love,
High Priestess Mavis Haemin
Church of Mercala
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)

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