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Icy Katana needs help
Let's talk about Sogensara; the Ice katana of course. It's also quite hard to balance considering what it is.

Issue: We'll start with Sogensara; ever since the katana was stabbed down, shot several times and thrown in a coffin, it lost it's identity and more or less became a weapon people put on their wall for decoration. As much as a lot people hate to admit it, the weapon, unlike Yukijin (Should talk about this one later), doesn't have much going on for it anymore ever since the scaling changed.

Quote:At best, it only outclass it's icy counterpart in power; by exactly +2 power and a ability to freeze plants (Situational) whilst the Yukijin on the other-hand has 10% ice resistance, a hidden cut potential bonus that can make ice points and more accuracy in return. They're two stars apart as well.

You can tell from this, the 7 Star weapon Yukijin easily outweighs the 9 star weapon Sogensara.
Notes: Since the weapon is just a 'Yukijin lite', how about we give it its own Identity. Give people a reason to use this nine star weapon and not just put it on their wall and recall the days it was useful.

Suggestion: How about we adjust the scaling of the weapon a bit. Instead of it being a complete copy of Yukijin and Kouenjin with 60 strength/40 skill, how about, 60 skill/40 strength, 75 Skill/ 25 strength or even 80 skill/20 strength since it's a respite (Which normally takes quite some skill to use) and still a nine star weapon. Granting it a better scaling to put somewhat above above the 7-8 star jin katanas in terms of SWA as well as keeping the 100% scaling present.

In a sense, it'll allow the Katana to be reasonable as well as still giving people the option to choose between it and the Jin series katana all the same. Whereas one just has a good scaling whilst the other has alot more bonuses. (Power vs Potentials).
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
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