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my Dumbass idea's thread.
Kiranis post_id=37081 time=1562376205 user_id=813 Wrote:Thousand Stab
1. If spear works as is deals a bit of extra damage
2. if axe deals more damage over less attacks
3. if sword hits the target directly behind the target (hey just like DMC)

1. f Axe 5 range hits 3 squares hits all targets once for normal basic attack scaling
2. if sword works as it currently does
3. if spearpulls targets into the path but doesint hit them will hit them on the way back.

I personally think that Thousand stab is fine as it is. I mean its Max Rank scaling is 70% Scaled Weapon Attack, 100% STR so it's damage output seems pretty reasonable but im not entirely against a change to it.

Roundtrip can have it's range increased by charge and Charging Strike(?) if im not mistaken and it literally pulls the thing you use it on closer by a a number of tiles. I personally, like the Thousand stab, think its fine as it is.

I do agree that Duelist could use one or two Axe skills though, it could potentially give flavour to those going into ghost.
[Image: Empress_of_Light.gif]

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