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[Event] Festival Invitation (29/06/2019)

Queries of Note - (Or Rules Clarifications)

Q - Can I sign up without a team member?

A - Absolutely, you will still receive a team member on the day - merely chosen at random. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that a team member you go with will remain by your side as the competition progresses.

Q - Do I have to fight like a Knight to compete?

A - Not at all. Knightly behaviour can still be observed through any style - even those using missile weapons.

Q - Can I use a nickname or alias, to conceal my identity?

A - There's nothing wrong with this. Bastonne isn't interested in exacting Imperial justice, merely promoting a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for all. Masks and helmets to cover your face are also perfectly fine.

Q - Will I only fight against others in my 'Style Category'?

A - No. All your Category determines is whom you will be ranked against when it comes to the prizes - for example, a Grand Summoner / Black Knight might absolutely dominate a tier-structured tournament, but here? They're just the best at being a 'Wizard' (or maybe a Paladin). You might instead be considered the 'best Fighter', or the 'best Ranger'.

Also - bear in mind that the greatest prize does not strictly require victory at all.

Q - What if my style is neither a Paladin, Wizard, Fighter or Ranger?

A - You're bound to fit in somewhere, whichever you're closest to! It's 'honourary' nomenclature, based on the old system rather than defining titles for what you are now.

Q - What if there are an odd number of combatants?

A - You'll be paired up with a volunteer who will fight for no points - unless a member of the audience agrees to join the Tourney at the last minute. If your companion is a volunteer, they will earn more honour for their selflessness.

Q - What actually constitutes 'Honourable Combat' in the Southern Moors?

A - Honour is very much a subjective thing, I'm sure - since everyone has their own opinion of what makes a good guy. I am going by what was considered 'noble' behaviour during the Middle Ages, defined by general opinion and the Code of Chivalry. In battle, this includes examples such as the following...

@ Allow no insult to a 'Lady' to go un-answered. (A lady who does not act 'Lady'-like is not a 'Lady', by the way).
@ Allow no insult to a KNIGHT to go un-answered. (A 'knight' who does not act KNIGHT-like is not a KNIGHT).
@ Offering one's opponent a fair chance to make a comeback, if the fight is not going in their favour.
@ Do not give up, even if the fight does NOT go in your favour.
@ Act with decorum & humility. Be gracious in victory and in defeat.
@ Follow the rules of the Tournament to the letter, and respect the decisions of a nobleman.
@ Make all your attacks clearly visible, giving your opponent a fair chance to defend themselves.
@ If your team-mate seems to be struggling, PROTECT them from harm.
@ Show Mercy to those who look like they aren't having a good time.
@ If your enemy extends the hand of friendship, accept it. Even if it may lead to your doom later.
@ Keep a favourable range, use your distance properly - by all means - but do NOT run away just to recover.
@ Getting annoyed with how a battle is going is called being a sore loser. RIGHTEOUS ANGER in response to an insult to your pride, your dignity or your team-mate is not only acceptable, but very knightly.

Q - Am I really supposed to follow all of these???

... Firstly, that's up to your character, not you. Secondly - no. Consider it... A 'check' list which I will be working from.

[Image: House_Banner_PNG.png]

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