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Plisfa's Anti-Fun
I see a few points that were made earlier are still being overlooked.
You can still take damage from lingering damage, poison, cinders, frostbite tiles, traps, and the curse will be transferred, making your opponents evade against basic attacks 0, treating them as-if the 60+ stats they put into CEL are nothing, aside from turn order, while you proceed to heavily crit-stomp them.
Running away, or kiting, again, isn't a valid solution, as Lonestar further pointed out.

... And again, no. You cannot say just "cleanse potion". Items have never been considered in balance as far as I've seen, nor has the community offered them as a solution in Balance Fu till now. If we're going to start including them, then:

Let's let Menov's Fang do x2 poison damage again. Just Cleanse Pot it. Just use a poison resist potion.
Let's return Death Knighting to give 10 stats in each. You can just throw a special stone on them and remove the buff.
Eclair and Voltiger should be returned to their former glory. It does too much damage, you say??? Just PR-high the HP back.

Items, in my opinion, have always been icing on the cake, or a luxury as I've stated earlier. Some skills are just too overbearing that are then tweaked like the ones above, and Plisfa is not an outlier.
Sorry if that sounded snarky, but I don't know how else to communicate that. Sad

The methods mentioned earlier, like Negotiate, Wash Away, give no guarantee Plisfa will be removed. It depends on RNG. You're spending 3 momentum of the off-chance maybe that one unbalanced status effect of the many annoying status effects will be removed. If you're so unlucky, then hopefully the hexer is feeling merciful, and let's you live another day. Again, unreliable.
Gentle Torrent from Priest?
Suggesting to "just have a teammate remove it for you" isn't a solution for balance either. Frozen status was given extra counter play, while many so-called valid countermeasures mentioned here could have taken care of it as well.

If your build, that's not currently a gigantys build, is completely ruined by the skill being even slightly touched, that just makes for further argument of how Plisfa should be looked at if it's that much of a crutch.

Honestly. Setting evade to 0 has never been a good thing. If it just reduced LV 15 evade per rank against basic attacks, and then each time the duration went down, they'd slowly get evade back? We wouldn't be here again.

My solution, though mostly unaddressed, still stands. Silent Spirit exists. Use it!
I understand making it Main-Class only is a solution, but I've been avoiding it if I can be honest.
Also Jupiter's ping-pong idea sounds amazing. That would be make for fun situations for roleplay!

It's also worth pointing out that dev said he was reworking hexer in the future, so maybe this thread is a bit pointless. Just hopeful this skill doesn't survive any sort of rework in its current state.
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