11-14-2014, 11:11 AM
September Thread:
Quote:How much is 1 'weight' equal to in pounds? I just wanna know how much my 34 weight grandaxe would legitimately weigh.
Quote:Probably about as much into pounds, but usually 'weight' is also tied to how difficult it is to carry.
Quote:What the hell powers the Laplace PDAs? Do we have to charge them?
Quote:No one knows. Nope.
Quote:If a weapon gets negative weight < assuming 1 weight = 1 pound > does it just float off sometimes?
Quote:No. If a weapon has negative weight, just assume that it's very light and well balanced.
Quote:Can non-Human Races become Umbrals? (The Wiki and their race description says yes in rare cases the previous lore thread said no)
Quote:The rules are the same for becoming a Shaitan.
Quote:Do headphones exist?
Quote:Probably not, since there's nothing for them to plug into.
Quote:Serious question time: There's hardly much about Tannis. Was there some kind of war they were in that clearly showed off their superior archery abilities or were they in some kind of Olympic tournament and they took home the gold for Archery for the past however long they existed?
Quote:There was the Sigrogana Oniga War, so yes. They made it rather difficult for Oniga.
Quote:How's the sky look besides Iahsus? Single sun and single moon, or what? Are any other planets visible?
Quote:Yep. Nope.
Quote:What forms of transportation exist? There's obviously boats and teleportation.
Quote:There are steel birds that some bandits use, if you believe that sort of thing, along with the more classical forms of transportations, like horses, carriages. No cars or trains, though, since long range transportation usually defaults to teleporting.
Quote:How advanced can alchemy be, and what kinds of things can be done with enough knowledge?
Quote:Bit too generic for me to give an answer, sorry.
Quote:Is there any information that could be dug up on Hell?
Quote:What's that?
Quote:What would happen if a Vampire went into a Dark Zone?
Quote:They would probably die. Same with a Lich. Once you get into a Dark Zone, your magical escape powers don't play nice.
Quote:Why does Chaturanga have a chess motif?
Quote:Because it's always been. Chaturanga prides itself on tactical planning, and chess makes an ideal backdrop to it.
Quote:I read the awesome questions from Soles and got inspired. Here are my questions
1.What are the oceans around Sigrogana called?
2.Are there airships in this game?
3.Is there a major black-market for Sigrogana?
4.If yes to the previous question, how rare do you think a lalarian scar would be there?
5.Exactly how many deities/elemental/thingies participated in the heaven's contention(or whatever the divine war was called)?
6.Is slavery legal anywhere in Sigrogana?
7.Would it be possible to turn a person into a mechanation? If so, would they need a Lalarian scar to power their mech parts?
8.What would be the odds of a person surviving in a yokai's dimension?
Quote:Dunno. Dunno. Yes. Impossible to get. Dunno. Yes. No. Low for any long period of time.
Quote:Do Hyattrs have tails?
Quote:They can but usually don't.
Quote:Does/did Deterimia exist on SL2? If so, can you give us some lore about him/her?
Quote:Maybe, but no one's heard of them if so.
Quote:Are Elves (whether removed from Mersales due to improprieties or leaving on their own accord) in the past, or currently, generally willing to make others (see: everyone but Elves) privy to their Elven knowledge, including but not limited to literature, language, methodical systems, etc.?
Quote:To a point. Most elves have too much pride to hand over the majority of that knowledge to other races, because they believe it belongs to elves, and it's very important that people know where it comes from.
Quote:What is Yenten?
How large can a phylactery be? Sand pebble to cathedral?
Quote:Yenten is a type of gambling done with cards.
Too small and what it needs to store won't fit. Too large and what it needs to store will be dilluted and weaken the lich. Best size is about the size of a crystal ball.
Quote:Can actual ghosts (as in, poltergeists, not the class) of people exist?
Quote:Why do you think the ghostbust-- err Geistritter exist?
Quote:Another question from me: in the case that a Zeran's Crown of Heaven is damaged, say by a piece or pieces being broken off or if their Crown of Heaven is truncated near the top (but not near the base), would the horn(s) re-calcify?
Quote:They can regenerate over time, yes. Some Zerans might have a condition that makes them unable to, but the majority can.
Quote:Lich + Nullstone room... what happens?
Same idea, but with something smaller like restraints.
Would the first question's answer be different depending on if the object they are linked to is with them in the room, vs if the object is somewhere else?
Quote:Nothing. All Nullstone does is resist magic very well. It doesn't actively attack it or anything.
Quote:Can a forest produce multiple Doriads if so does the first one have to die before the next one is made and in general how similar would Doriads coming from the same forest be if it is possible?
Quote:If the forest is large enough. They would probably be similar mentally. Appearance wise, who knows.
Quote:How does one become a lich? What are the specifics of the ritual? We've been told that they are VERY SPECIFIC, which means no forcing people to become liches.
What are the consequences for failing the ritual?
Why has the empire let walking, literal, skeletons run around the country now?
Why is the empire letting liches .stab. eachother in Cellsvich for no apparent reason besides laziness to "send their friend home"?
Quote:I'm not going to give you an instruction manual, but the ritual details turning your entire body into arcane energy, creating a precise entrapment so it doesn't just diffuse into the air, and then transfering that arcane energy as well as your soul into the pylactery. If all is successful, the arcane energy and soul can separate, and there you go.
You become focus energy and scatter into nothing.
Same reason they let anyone walk around. If they're not causing problems and can speak, they don't care.
They probably aren't and you really shouldn't be asking lore questions around a specific in-game happening because that's just silly and kind of wastes time.
Quote:Can mechanations switch bodies? And if so do they keep their memories and the like or do they become a different person?
Quote:You can switch everything but the llarian scar, and by that I mean, you can switch parts/etc. You can't put a Mechanation into a human body or anything, but you can replace everything on the Mechanation except the scar. Yes, they would retain memories.
Quote:A few questions on Liches:
1. What is Karaten's view on Liches? (And are the Geistritters equipped to deal with them?)
Quote:They view them as heretics, because while Karaten believes in furthering technology through magic, there are certain lines that shouldn't crossed. In particular, due to the very high failure rate of the ritual, it is essentially suicide the majority of the time. Losing your life in the pursuit of greater power is not very praiseworthy or intelligent, and so liches are not allowed to be peers in Karaten.
What that means is they are not allowed into mage circles or organizations. One of your mage colleagues will never be a lich, because they are forbidden, probably to discourage young mages from finding the idea appealing. They can still enter Karaten, like most anyone else, but they are very much shunned there.
Quote:2. Is there anything that the Lich can't use as their form? (AKA cannot enchant to withstand their energy)
Quote:Usually the core of the form is what's important. Robes and such can be enchanted to be resistant to magic and thus won't always burn up, but what you actually 'stick' your arcane energy to is a little trickier. The reason a lot of liches use a 'skeleton' form is because it is very easy for them, as the lich's body was similar before they performed the ritual.
You also want something that doesn't adjust its proportions or shape much, which is why hard materials are best. Things like water, air, materials that are too flexible or flimsy, like paper or cloth, require too much focus (mental focus, not focus the energy) to stay 'stuck' on.
The burn something gets from being the center of your arcane energy is a lot more intense than something on the outside, too, so even if heavily enchanted, some materials just won't work at all if they're extremely vulnerable to heat, which is why the above materials and things like flesh or hair simply do not play nice with you.
That said, heat transfer isn't much of an issue, so materials like metals can be used without setting fire to everything you touch or walk on. Actual bones are okay too.
Anything that doesn't qualify to one of the above works, though (probably).
![[Image: 95e2774f19.png]](http://puu.sh/gWUIp/95e2774f19.png)