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Legend Extension, extensions!
I disagree with having a week to spend or even a month, to be something undesireable in a years long ongoing longtime RP system. If anything it's the opposite in my opinion and that having to put so little effort in the game as currently, that it hurts more than it helps, but thats preferences I guess and just opinions. Some want to just have a character maxed out as quick as possible so they can for some reason compete with 40 IC years veterans at the age of 13, others want it to be a ongoing progress over time and actually feel the accomplishment of reaching it. The former is for me discouraging, cause it doesn't feel deserved.

I do however agree, as already posted in the very first post, that it's probably shouldn't be tied to something like grinding, cause thats just boring and demotivational to do the same thing over and over. Class levels I don't think break that much actually at this point. But I don't care mucha bout it either, it was just a suggestion.

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